A "system" is defined as "individual components working together to create the whole". The church in which God established in A.D. 33 is that, a system of individual components- doctrine, work and worship.
It is this list advocacy not to create Catholicism nor denomination; rather a return to the original practice of the New Testament Christianity. Practice, Teaching & Worship in accordance to the Biblical practice of the ancient church.
"Believers are in danger of so earnestly wishing that the evidence shall appear unconclusive, as to underestimate the force of every proof, and to overestimate the force of every objection......
The believer on the other hand is in dander of pursuing the inquiry with so fixed a determination that the Bible shall be found true, as to lead him to accept shallow sophisms for sound arguments, and to disregard the force of serious objections.
Such an inquirer, should he experience a calmer judgement, must look back and distrust on his former conclusion and experience a consequent weakening of his faith". Evidence of Christianity. Part 1. J.W. McGarvey p.3